All Hospital in Dhaka
Ad-Din Hospital
Moghbazar, Dhaka, ph- 9353391-3
Ahmed Medical Centre Ltd.
House # 71, Road # 15-A, (New), Dhanmondi C/A, ph- 8113628
Aichi Hospital
House # 13, Eshakha Avenue Sector # 6, utttara Dhaka, ph- 8916290, 8920165
Al Anaiet Adhunik Hospital
House # 36, Road # 3, Dhanmondi, ph- 8631619
Al- Helal Speacialist Hospital
150, Rokeya Sarani Senpara ParbataMirpur-10, Dhaka, ph- 9006820, 9008181
Al Jebel-E-Nur Heart Ltd.
House # 21, Road # 9/A (New), Dhanmondi, ph- 8117031
Al- Rajhi Hospital
12, Farmgate. Dhaka -1215, ph- 8119229, 8121172, 9117775
Al-Ahsraf General Hospital
House # 12 Road # 21,Sector # 4, Uttara Dhaka, ph- 8952851-2
Al-Biruni Hospital
23/1, Khilzee Road, Shyamoli, ph- 8118905, 9115953
Al-Fateh Medical Sevices (Pvt) Ltd.
11, Farmgate over Bridge East Side, ph- 9120615
Al-Madina General Hospital (Pvt.) Ltd.
2/A, Golden Street, Ring Road, Shamoli, Dhaka, ph 8118709
Al-Manar Hospital
5/4, Block-F, Lalmatia Dhaka- 1207, ph- 9121387, 9121588
Al-Markazul Islami Hospital
21/17, Babar Road, Mohammadpur, ph- 8114980, 9129426
Al-Mohite General Hospital & Diagnostic Centre
House # 11, Road # 2, Shamoli, ph- 9113831, 9114220 Ext 238
Anjuman-E-Mofidul Islam
Dhaka. ph- 9336611
Appolo Hospital
Bashundhar r/a, Dhaka, PABX : (02) 8401661- 5, Ambulance : 01714-090000, Duty Manager : 01713-064563, Master Health Check : 8401600
Arogya Niketan Hospital Ltd.
242-243, New Circular Road, Malibagh, ph- 9333730
Aysha Memorial Specialized Hospital
74/G, Arjatpara, Mohakhali, Dhaka, ph- 9122689, 9122690
B.D.F. Hospital
5/7, Humayaun Road, Block # D, Mohammadpur, ph- 8123730, 8116637
Bangabandhu Shiekh Mujib Medical University
Shabagh, Dhaka. ph- 8614001-9, 8614545
Bangal Nursing Home Ltd.
Lake Circus, Kalabagan, Dhaka, ph- 9114824
Bangkok Hospital Office, Bangladesh
Lion Complex (4th Floor), 73, New Airport Road, Tejgaon, ph- 9139777, 9134982, 9113864
Bangladesh Association For The Aged & Institute Of Gerecitric Medicine
Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, ph- 9129814
Bangladesh Heart & Chest Hospital
Road # 27 (Old), 16 (New), House # 47, Dhanmondi, ph- 9114266, 8123977
Bangladesh Medical College
House # 35, Road # 14/A, Dhanmondi, ph- 9118202, 8115843
Bangladesh Telemedicine Services Ltd.
Comfort Tower, 167/B, Green Road, Dhanmondi, ph- 8124990 Ext 660, 284
Bari-Llizarov Orthopedic (Bio) Centre
House # 77 (New) 831 (Old), Road # 9/A (New) 19 (Old), Dhanmondi R/A, ph- 9120309, 8117876
Bari-Llizarov Orthopedic Centre
House # 831, Road # 19 (Old), Dhanmondi R/A, ph- 9120309, 8117876
Bdm Hospital
5/17, Humaund Road, Block # B, Mohammedpur, ph- 8113481
Bengal Nursing Home (Pvt.) Ltd.
70/C, Clke Circus kalabagan, ph- 8116007
Shahbagh, Dhaka, ph- 8616641-50
Bnsb Dhaka Eye Hospital
Mirpur-1, Dhaka, ph- 8014476
Brain & Maind Hospital Ltd.
149/A, Airport Road, Farmgate, Baityl Shoraf Mosque Complex, ph- 8120710
Brighton Hospital Ltd
163, Sonargaon Road Hitirpool, Dhaka- 1205, ph- 8626901,9671186
Brighton Hospital Ltd.
169, Sonargaon road, Hatirpool, ph- 8626901-3
Bumrungrad Hospital
House- 154, Road- 11, Block- E, Banani, Dhaka, ph- 8855254
Cancer Home Cancer & Breast Clinic
GP-Cha, 149/1, Mohakhali, ph- 8815244
Care Madical Center Ltd.
41, Chamelibagh, Shantinagar, ph- 8318827, 9351190-11/23
Central Hospital Ltd.
House # 2, Road # 5, Green Road, Dhanmondi, ph- 9660015-19
Centre For Health And Development Medical Complex (Chd Medical Comple)
House # 16, Road # 16, Sector # 4, Uttara Model Town, ph- 8920670
Centre For The Rehabilitation Of The Paralysed (Crp)
Post CRP Chapin, Savar, ph- 7710464-5, 7711766
Chandshi Medical Centre
House # 9, Road # 27, Block # K, Banani, ph- 8821875, 9554571
China-Bangla Hospital (Jv) Ltd.
Plot # 1, Road # 7, Sector # 1, Uttara, ph- 8913674, 8913606
Cholera Hospital (Icddrb)
Dhaka, Mohkhali, ph- 871751-60,600171-8
Christian Medical Hospital
6/3, Nadda, Baridhara (North), ph- 9886298, 8813375
City Dental College & Hospital
1085/1, Malibagh, Chowdhurypara, ph- 9341662-4, 8313305
City Hospital (Pvt) Ltd.
69/1/1, Panthapath, ph- 8617852, 8623205
City Hospital Ltd
69/1/1, Panthpath Dhaka, ph- 8623205,8617852
CMH (Dhaka Cantonment)
Dhaka, ph- 882770
Community Eye Hospital
40, New Elephant Road (1st floor)
Community Hospital
190/1, Wireless Rail Gate, Baramaghbazar, Dhaka, ph- 9351190-1, Fax 882-2-93387706
Community Maternity Hospital
22, Bijay Nagar, ph- 9358513
Control Of Diarrhoeal Disease Programme
1/13, Humayun Road, Block # B, Mohammadpur, ph- 9114574, 9114581
Crescent Gastroliver & General Hospital Ltd.
House- 60, Road- 8/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka, ph- 9116851
Crescent Hospital & Diagnostic Complex Ltd.
22/2, Babor Road, Mohammadpur, ph- 9117524, 8119775
Crescent Hospital & Dignostic
22/2, Babar Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka, ph- 9119524, 8119775
Cresent Gestolever & General Hospital
House #60, Road #8/A, Dhanmondi R/A, ph- 9116851
Delta Medical Centre Ltd.
House # 20, Raod # 4, Dhanmondi R/A, ph- 8617141-3
Dhaka Community Hospital
190/1, Baro Moghbazar, Wireless Railgate, ph- 9351190-91
Dhaka Ent (Ear, Nose, Thot) Hospital
House # 56, Road # 4/A, Dhanmondi R/A, ph- 8617503, 9613986
Dhaka General Hospital (Pvt) Ltd.
17, Hatkhola Road, ph- 7115351, 7116708
Dhaka Medical College & Hospital Polashi
Dhaka, ph- 8616744, 9663429
Dhaka Monorogh Chinic House
13, Road # I Block # 11/A, Mirpur, Dhaka, ph- 9005050
Dhaka National Hospital Ltd.
House # 55/1, Road # 27 (Old) 16 (New), Dhanmondi R/A, ph- 8122588
Dhaka Orthopaedic Hospital
843, Ring Road, Shamoli, Dhaka-1207, ph- 9112684, 912603
Dhaka Renal Centre & General Hospital
5 Green Corner, Green Road,Dhaka- 1205, ph- 8610928, 8621841-2
Dhaka Shishu Hospital
Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka, ph- 8116061-62, 8114571-72
Dhanmondi Hospital (Pvt) Ltd.
House #19/E, Green Road, Middle of Road #6&7, Dhanmondi. ph- 8628849
Diabetic Association Of Bangladesh
122, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Shahbagh. ph- 8616641-50 Ext 2225
44/C, Ahsad Avenue, Mohammadpur. ph- 814822
Diganta Anti Drug Hospital
House #353, Road #14, Block# B, Chanduaon R/A. ph- 031-671393
Doctors General Hospital
31/32, DIT Industrial Area, Postogola. ph- 7410731, 7413239
Dr. Salahudding Hospital
House #37, Road #9/A, Dhanmondi R/A. ph- 9122264, 9121779
Dr. Sultanas Poly Clinic
651, Shahinbagh, Tejgaon. ph- 9115244
Dushta Shasthya Hospital (D.S.K)
21/1, Khilji Road, Mohammadpur. ph- 8124952
Dustha Shasta Hospital
21/1, Khiljee Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207 ph- 8124952
Eden Malticare Hospital
753, Satmajid Road Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209. ph- 8150507-10, 8151506
Eden Multicare Hospital
753, Satmasjid Road, Dhanmondi ph- 8150507-10
Farabi General Hospital
Road #14 (New), House #8/3,Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka- 1209. ph- 81222471, 9140442
Fashion Eye Hospital Ltd.
98/6-A, Elephant Road, Bara Moghbazar ph- 9338986, 9343961
Faud Al Khatib Hospital
Almas Tower, 282/1, 1st Colony, Majar Road, Mirpur. ph- 9007188, 9004317, 8013638
Federal Medical College Hospital Ltd
20, Link Road, Bangla Motor. ph- 8613097-8
Gastroliver Hospital & Research Institute
69/D, Green Road Panthpath, Dhaka-1205. ph- 8620960, 8625393, 8627853
General Hospital Ltd
House #60, Road #8/A,Dhanmondi, R/A, Dhaka. ph- 9116851,91137181,9137182
General Medical Hospital (Pvt.) Ltd.
103, Elephant Road, Dhaka-1205 ph- 861932
Grain & Mind Hospital Ltd.
149/A, Airport Road, Farmgate, Baitus Sharaf Mosque Complex. ph- 8120710
Green Hospital
House #31, Road #6, Dhanmondi R/A. ph- 8612412
Green Land Hospital
Azampur, Uttara, Dhaka. ph- 8914175
Greenland Hospital
House #4, Road #4, Sector #7, Uttara Model Town. ph- 8912663
Harun Eye Foundation & Green Hospital
Road #6, House #31, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka. ph- 8612412, 8619068
Harun Green Hospital
House #31, Road #6, Dhanmondi R/A ph- 8612412, 8619068
Hasnabad Hospital (Pvt) Ltd.
South West Side of Buri Ganga Bridge, Hasnabad. ph- 7419977
Health And Hope Ltd.
152/1-H, Green Road, Panthopath (Green Road – Panthopath Crossing) ph- 9145786
Holy Family R. C. Hospital
Eskaton Garden Road, Dhaka. ph- 8311721-25
I.R. Ltd.
House #50, Road #2A, Dhanmondi. ph- 8618085
Ibn Sina Hospital
House #47, Road #9/A, Satmasjid Road, Dhanmondi. ph- 9128835-7, 9126625-5
Mohakhali, Dhaka. ph- 8811751-60
Idial General Hospital Ltd.
50/A, Shantinagar. ph- 9357385
Infertility Care & Research Centre
5/13, Humayn Road, Mohammadpur. ph- 9119462
Institute Of Chestdiseases Hospital
Mohakhali, Dhaka. ph- 8816268-72
Institute Of Child Health And Shishu Hospital
6/2, Barabag, Section #2, Mirpur. ph- 8023894-5
International Hospital
6, Eskaton Garden, Moghbazar. ph- 9333739
Islami Bank Hospital
24/B, Outer Cercular Road, Dhaka. ph- 9336421
Islamia Arogya Sadan Ltd.
House #35, Road #1, Dhanmondi R/A. ph- 8631988
Islamia Eye Hospital
Farmgate, Dhaka. ph- 8112856, 319315, 9119315
Jahangirnagar Hospital Ltd.
34/1, Manir Hossain Lane, Swamibagh New Road, Dhajagonj. ph- 7125152-4
Khaliqun Nessa General Hospital
61, Becharam Dewri. ph- 7312449, 7313583
Lion Foundation Eye Hospital
Lions Bhaban, Begum Rokya Sarani, Agargoan, Dhaka. ph- 9131990, 9138711, 8110894
Made H Clinic
62, Lake Circus, Kalabagan. ph- 9112076, 8117043
Maf Air Support
House #299, Lane #4, DOHS, Baridhara. ph- 8810164
Malakunessa General Hospital
House #50, Road #4/A, Dhanmondi, Dhaka.
Maula Buksh Sardar Charitable Hospital
24, Mohini Mohon Das Lane, Farashgonj. ph- 7120065
Medi Prime Orthopaedic Hospital
1/9, Humayan Road, College Gate, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207. ph- 9139226
Medistine Hospital
218, Outer Circular Road, Moghbazar, Dhaka. ph- 9345003
Meditech General Hospital (Pvt) Ltd.
House #21, Road #2, Nikunja #2. ph- 8918345
Mental Health Care
19/12, Babar Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka
Meriland Hospital
Sector #1, Road #13, House #4, Uttara. ph- 8919481
Millennium Heart & Feneral Hospital
4/9, Block # F, Lalmatia, Mohammadpur. ph- 9122115
Mirpur General Hospital
House #35, Road #1, Sector #10, Mirpur. ph- 8015444
Mirpur Holy Crescent Hospital (Pvt) Ltd.
33, South Bishil, Mirpur-1, Dhaka. ph- 9000633
Modern Clinic Of Surgery & Midwifery
House #5, Road #11, Gulshan –1. ph- 8821578
Modern Harbal
12, Shantinagar. ph- 9357693, 9358052
Mojibunnessa Eye Hospital Ltd.
House #11 (New), Road #28 (Old) 25(New), Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka. ph- 9130638, 9130701
Monoawara Hospital (Pvt) Ltd
54, Shidishwary Road, Dhaka. ph- 8318135, 8318529
Monon Psychiatry Hospital
150, Mohammadpur (VIP Road), Dhaka- 9131958
Monowara General Hospital
Golapbagh, Bishwroad. ph- 7519446, 7514717
Mother Care Hospital (Pvt.) Ltd.
3/10, Lalmatia, Block– A, Mirpur Road. ph- 9119355
Mounty Hospital
House #67/A, Block –B, Lalmatia. ph- 8110864
Hosue #2, Road #2, Gulshan #2, Dhaka. ph- 8827147, 606728
Munsor Ali Medical College
Sector #11, Road #19, Plot #1/C, Chowrasta, Uttara. ph- 8917978
National Centre For Hearing & Speace
Mohakhali. ph- 8822007, 9881535
National Diagnostic Network (Ndn)
69-M, Green Raod, Panthapath. ph- 9664834, 8610647
National Heart Foundation Hospital
Mirpur, Dhaka. ph- 8014914
National Medical College & Hospital
53/1, Johnson Road, Dhaka. ph- 7117300
Neurology Foundation & Hospital
3/1, Lake Circus, Kalabagan, Dhaka-1205. ph- 8114846
New Al-Rajhi Hosital
32, green Road, Dhaka. ph- 8611213
New Mukti Clinic
301, Elephant Road, Dhaka. ph- 8611360
Nez-E-Noor Hospital (Pvt)Ltd.
House #59, Road #10/A (New), Dhanmondi, Dhaka. ph- 9117439, 9130152, 8123758, 8118226
Nibedita Shishu Hospita Ltd.
11/1, Hair Street, Wari. ph- 7119473
Nirupom Hospital (Pvt) Ltd.
House #118, Road #9/A, Dhanmondi R/A. ph- 8114429
North South Medical Centre
19/10, Babur Road, Block – B, Mohammadpur. ph- 9122111, 9126089
O. S. B Eye Hospital
Mirpur, Dhaka. ph- 9003088
Ogsb Maternity Hospital
Edgha Mohdhan Zoo Road, Mirpur -1, Dhaka. ph- 9005490
Orthopedic Hospital (Pangu Hospital)
Shere-e-Bangla Nagar. ph- 9112150, 9114075
Padma General Hospital Ltd.
290, Sonargaon Road. ph- 9661528, 9662502
Pan Pacific Hospital & Training & Recerch Ins.
24, Outer Circular Road, South Shahjahanpur. ph- 9349794, 9351777
Parkway Healthcare Infomation Centre
Suite –B3, Level -10, Road #53, Gulshan –2, ph- 8850422, 8850423
House #46, Road #2, Banani Dhaka- 1213. ph- 9889233, 9893255
Penta Star Hospital
161/A, Kalabagan, Lakecircus. ph- 9113131
Platonic International
538/A, Pearabag, Boro Moghbazar. ph- 9342065
Proshanti Hospital Ltd.
6, Shantibagh, 3 Outer Citcular Road. ph- 8318699, 9348728
Rayel Hospital
House #2, Road #7, Block- C, Section- 6 Mirpur, Dhaka-1216
Renaissance Hosspital & Research Institute Ltd.
House #60/A, Road #4/A, Dhanmondi. ph- 9663677, 9664930
Rihd Pangu Hospital
Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka. ph- 9119234-8
Rmc Hospital & Dignostic Complex Ltd
House #19, Road #5, Sector #7 Uttara, Dhaka-1230. ph- 8923904,8952157
Rmo, Ibn Sina Hospital
House #68, Road #15/A, Dhanmondi R/A. ph- 819513-5, 813709
Rog Mukti General Hospital
24, DIT Plot, Postogola. ph- 7410504
Royel Hospital (Pvt.) Ltd.
31, Eskaton Road. ph- 8313096
Rushmono General Hospital
208-9, Outer Circular Road, Moghbazar, Dhaka-1217. ph- 8317819, 8317606
S.P.R.C. Hospital
62, Bara Moghbazar. ph- 9339089, 9342744
Salvation Specialized Hospital
House No-36,Road No-3,Dhanmondi R/A. ph- 9674114
Samoly Orthopaedic Hospital
3/KA, RC Culture Housing Society, Ring Road, Shamoli, Dhaka. ph- 9121832
Saphena Hospital
111, DIT Road, Malibagh, Dhaka.
Savar General Hospital
WAPDA Road (1st & 2nd flr.), Malancha, Savar. ph- 06226-848
Shaheed Suhrwardi Hospital
Sher-E-Banglanagar, Dhaka. ph- 8113478
Shamoli Orthoprdic General Hospital (Pvt) Ltd
3/Ka, P.C Culture Housing Society, Ring Road, Shamoli. ph- 9121832
Sharkari Karmachari Hospital
Dhaka. ph- 9668017
Shazada General Hospital
Block –D, 1/30, Kalwalapara, Mirpur –1. ph- 8014860
Shefa Nurshing Home
12/10, Babur Road, Block #B, Mohammadpur. ph- 9111758, 8010916
Shishu Foundation Hospital
Bara Bagh, Mirpur. ph- 9001090
Shoboj Moti Shastha Seba
287/12C, Biswa Road, Khilgaon. ph- 9347649, 9347650
Sir Salimullah Medical College & Mitford Hospital
Dhaka. ph- 7319002-5,7312398,7117404
Sonargaon Health Care (Pvt.) Ltd.
House #99 (1st Floor), Road #11/A, (Satmosjid Road), Dhanmondi R/A. ph- 8118823
South Asian Hospital Ltd.
69/E, Green Road, Panthpath, Dhaka. ph- 9665852
South View Hospital (Pvt.) Ltd.
House #1, Main Road #11, Block– B, Section #10, Mirpur. ph- 8018065
Squar Diagnostic & Hospital Services Ltd
Ak Complex (2nd Floor) 19, Green Road Dhaka-1205. ph- 8616389
Stoncrast Hospital
House #362/2, Road #27 (Old) 16 (New), Dhanmondi. ph- 9129402, 9137132
Stone Cursh Hospital
House #48, Road #4/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka. ph- 9668482, 9660360
The Barakah General Hospital Ltd.
937, Outer Circula Road, Razarbagh. ph- 9346265, 9337534
The Kidney Hospital And Dialysis Centre
161/A, Kalabagan, Dhaka– 1205. ph- 8122019, 8123056
The Mark Ent & General Hospital (Pvt) Ltd.
Plot #A/3, Section #14 Mirpur, Dhaka. ph- 9871527, 9872241
The Specialized Hospital (Pvt) Ltd.
House #40, Road #10/A,Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka. ph- 9118523, 8114230, 8110263
Theol Medical College Hospital
142-143, Cteen Road. ph- 9128286, 9124627
Trauma & Orthopaedic Hospital
House #17, Road #28(Old),15(New) Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka.
Uro Care Medical Center
House #73, Road #9/A, Dhanmondi. ph- 9126113, 9113694
Uttara Central Hospital
House #1, Road #7, Sector #1, Uttara Model Town. ph- 8911551, 8918778
Vision Eye Hospital
House #27, Road #27 (Old), Dhanmondi. ph- 8113302
Women And Children’S Hospital Pvt.Ltd
House #48/6, Road #9/A Dhanmondi, Dhaka. ph- 9115458, 9121077
Yamagata Dhaka Friendsship Hospital
6/7, Block- A Lalmatia Dhaka. ph- 9129354
Z.H. Sikder Women’S College & Hospital (Pvt) Ltd
Monica Estate, (West side of Dhanmondi). ph- 8115951, 8113313
Hyfia General Hospital
1/A, Adabar, Ring Road, Shamoli, Dhaka. ph- 9120519
The academic activities of IbnSina Medical college commenced through admission of 50 students in 2004-05 academic session. Through the years up to 2017, 13 batches of total 759 students undertaken the course.
The college is affiliated with the University of Dhaka and recognized by Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council, the competent Authority of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
The students of 8th batch is now startingtheir internship in our own Hospital. The admission procedure of Session 2017-2018 is now on-line. The admissionis based on merit keeping in conformity with Government Order published and adopted by the Academic Council and adorned by the Governing Body of ISMC.
1.To produce doctor with high professional knowledge and skill.
2.To blend them with ethical values.
3.To teach bio-medical sciences with its recent advancements so that they can meet the present-day healthcare needs and challenges.
4.To produce disciplined, motivated and enthusiastic doctor to instill highest level of efficency for caring patient with compassion and competence.
5.To provide wide knowledge of the community and economic conditions of the country imbuing them in value and nation to improve it applying professional attiquate, manners and skills.
6.To inspire development of essential human qualities, strong sense of righteousness and basicability to serve the suffering humanities irrespective of economy, cast, religion and strata.
Capability & Facility
1.Dhaka University permitted 65 students for admission in each year.
2.Capable to run academic activities for 100 students (we applied for).
3.Building-up the motif amongst the graduates to prosecute further studies leading to specialization in suitable and feasible field.
4.Capable of resuming young doctors in different subjects for its own.
Ibn Sina Medical College is located in the centre of the metropolitan city at 1/1-B, Kallyanpur, Dhaka-1216. The 14 storied academic building is housing all the departments and 350 beds academic hospital in-site.
Contact Us
1/1-B, Kallyanpur, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
phone: +88028091332-6
MObile: +8801844141714
Fax: +880-2-9005595
Email: Welcome To Dhaka Dental College
Dhaka Dental College is the largest dental educational institution in Bangladesh. It was the first dental college of East Pakistan, established in August,1961 and it is the only government dental college in Bangladesh with a 200 bed-hospital situated at Mirpur 14,Dhaka. In the year of 1961 Dhaka Dental College started with admission of 6 students at Dhaka Medical College (DMC) . In 1963 College shifted to the roof (2nd floor) of DMCH out patient building (Its new and own campus) In Feb, 1965 First batch of students qualified as BDS doctors.In the 1987-88 Financial Year A project taken by People"s Republic of Bangladesh for new Dhaka Dental College buildings at Mirpur.On the 6th April, 1998 The new building at Mirpur was inaugurated by Our Honourable Prime Minister Shiekh Hasina & creat the modern era of Dhaka dental college. In March, 2000 All the Institutional activities started in the new campus at Mirpur.It is recognised as the best dental related educational institution for getting any kind of dental degree in Bangladesh.
Contact Us
Dhaka Dental College
Mirpur 14, Dhaka,Bangladesh.
Contact Phone :
Principal’s Office+8802-9022367
Contact Email:Purpose
Combined Military Hospital (Dhaka) or CMH is a hospital located in Dhaka Cantonment.[1][2] It is part of the Combined Military Hospital chain situated in all cantonments of Bangladesh. All military personnel & their family get free treatment from here & get free medicine. All doctors are military officer & Graduated from AFMC/AMC/Various medical colleges
The academic activities of IbnSina Medical college commenced through admission of 50 students in 2004-05 academic session. Through the years up to 2017, 13 batches of total 759 students undertaken the course.
The college is affiliated with the University of Dhaka and recognized by Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council, the competent Authority of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
The students of 8th batch is now startingtheir internship in our own Hospital. The admission procedure of Session 2017-2018 is now on-line. The admissionis based on merit keeping in conformity with Government Order published and adopted by the Academic Council and adorned by the Governing Body of ISMC.
1.To produce doctor with high professional knowledge and skill.
2.To blend them with ethical values.
3.To teach bio-medical sciences with its recent advancements so that they can meet the present-day healthcare needs and challenges.
4.To produce disciplined, motivated and enthusiastic doctor to instill highest level of efficency for caring patient with compassion and competence.
5.To provide wide knowledge of the community and economic conditions of the country imbuing them in value and nation to improve it applying professional attiquate, manners and skills.
6.To inspire development of essential human qualities, strong sense of righteousness and basicability to serve the suffering humanities irrespective of economy, cast, religion and strata.
Capability & Facility
1.Dhaka University permitted 65 students for admission in each year.
2.Capable to run academic activities for 100 students (we applied for).
3.Building-up the motif amongst the graduates to prosecute further studies leading to specialization in suitable and feasible field.
4.Capable of resuming young doctors in different subjects for its own.
Ibn Sina Medical College is located in the centre of the metropolitan city at 1/1-B, Kallyanpur, Dhaka-1216. The 14 storied academic building is housing all the departments and 350 beds academic hospital in-site.
Contact Us
1/1-B, Kallyanpur, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
phone: +88028091332-6
MObile: +8801844141714
Fax: +880-2-9005595
Email: Welcome To Dhaka Dental College
Dhaka Dental College is the largest dental educational institution in Bangladesh. It was the first dental college of East Pakistan, established in August,1961 and it is the only government dental college in Bangladesh with a 200 bed-hospital situated at Mirpur 14,Dhaka. In the year of 1961 Dhaka Dental College started with admission of 6 students at Dhaka Medical College (DMC) . In 1963 College shifted to the roof (2nd floor) of DMCH out patient building (Its new and own campus) In Feb, 1965 First batch of students qualified as BDS doctors.In the 1987-88 Financial Year A project taken by People"s Republic of Bangladesh for new Dhaka Dental College buildings at Mirpur.On the 6th April, 1998 The new building at Mirpur was inaugurated by Our Honourable Prime Minister Shiekh Hasina & creat the modern era of Dhaka dental college. In March, 2000 All the Institutional activities started in the new campus at Mirpur.It is recognised as the best dental related educational institution for getting any kind of dental degree in Bangladesh.
Contact Us
Dhaka Dental College
Mirpur 14, Dhaka,Bangladesh.
Contact Phone :
Principal’s Office+8802-9022367
Contact Email:Purpose
Combined Military Hospital (Dhaka) or CMH is a hospital located in Dhaka Cantonment.[1][2] It is part of the Combined Military Hospital chain situated in all cantonments of Bangladesh. All military personnel & their family get free treatment from here & get free medicine. All doctors are military officer & Graduated from AFMC/AMC/Various medical colleges
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